As Zig Ziglar once explained, “Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.” This quote really summarizes a great truth as it concerns the energy we put into the world and how that energy finds its way back. Life is indeed a mirror, and many things that we put into the world return in manifestation to us, in various forms. The principle hereby conveys a message touching on great intention with regard to what we send into the universe.
This fact-that you attract what you give-has been widely accepted, from the field of psychology to spirituality. Positive energy invites positive returns, while many times negativity breeds negativity. Being more cognizant of our actions, thoughts, and behaviors can actually help create a reality reflecting the goodness we want to experience. Here are eight practical ways to ensure that you send out the right energy to attract positivity and abundance into your life.
1. Practice Random Acts of Kindness Daily
Kindness is an immensely potent power that does not only help the recipient but ripples on and often returns to you from quarters you may least expect. These small acts of kindness light up a person’s day, elevate his spirits, and go a long way in making this world a decent place. When you show kindness, you let out the positive energy into the world, and that often bounces back in the way of goodwill, connection, and even happiness.
Why Kindness Matters:
Kindness brings about connections and builds community. It greatly affects good mental health through reduced stress, increased happiness, and it even reduces blood pressure. One becomes part of a more compassionate world through being kind, and people return that energy, therefore creating a cycle.
Make it a point each and every day to set an intention to do at least one random act of kindness. It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, buying a stranger’s coffee, or giving a real compliment. Small things like these have created big differences in people’s lives and helped to create a much more positive environment in return for your own self.
Bonus Tip: Get into the practice of writing down acts of kindness each day at the end. Reflect on how it makes you feel, and how energy boomerangs back to you.
2. Speak Positively
Words hold a great deal of power within them. A way with words is a set of phrases, of paragraphs, of conversations; it is ceding the actualization of reality to the sound of our voice. One can drive others and themselves forward with positive and uplifting language. When one speaks with optimism, encouragement, and positivity, he gives off a vibration that calls back positivity in life.
Why Positive Language is so Key:
Words are energy in motion. Speaking kindly and constructively means opening an avenue for positivity to enter your life. Positive words will uplift other people, and in turn, those surrounding you are most likely to provide support, encouragement, and positivity.
Action Step:
Start your day with affirmations or positive statements towards yourself. Practice mindful speaking: instead of complaining or saying something negative, say constructive thoughts. For instance, instead of saying, “I’m so overwhelmed,” say, “I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I am capable of handling my tasks.” Positive self-talk sets the record for how you’re going to approach or handle challenges in life and how others perceive you.
Bonus Tip: Set a goal with your inner self to spend an entire day without a single complaint and negative word. You will notice that the switch will begin to affect how you relate, and how energies surround you.
3. Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the powerful tools wherein one may attract positivity. Focusing on the good in your life-even the smallest-helps you send out an energy of abundance that draws more good things into your life. It helps one change his or her perspective towards real daily beauty and blesses your everyday life.
Why Gratitude Works:
Gratitude changes your focus from what you don’t have to what you actually do have. The beauty of that mindset shift is that it attracts more into your life of what you’re grateful for. Indeed, studies have shown that a disposition toward gratitude can increase happiness, improve relationships, and even greatly enhanced physical health.
Action Step:
Make it a point to start each day counting up and end it listing three things you are grateful for. It can be as simple thing as eating a nice meal, having a fine day outside, or it can just be a great talk with your friend in support. Because you keep on practicing this consistently, the brain is trained to notice good things coming your way; hence, the easy attraction of more positive things towards you.
Bonus Tip: You can also write thank-you notes to people who make life a little brighter. Aside from keeping the relationships intact, doing so reinforces the positive vibes that you are investing in.
4. Look for the Good in Others
Often, what we see in others can be a reflection of what lies within us. But by teaching yourself to see the good in others, you do not just build better relationships, but you also strengthen those positive qualities within yourself. The more you focus on that surroundings and the people at large around you-especially those who have a positive approach towards life-the better relationships you will forge in life. Your relationships will turn supportive and meaningful.
Why This Matters:
Because it creates a negation circle, while focusing on strengths works for you by reinforcing positive interactions in your favor. In other words, by seeing good in people, you actually coax them into reflecting the same positivity in return towards you, creating a positive feedback loop that reinforces you too, as well as others.
Action Step:
The next time you find yourself dwelling on somebody’s flaws or shortcomings, try bringing to mind his or her positive attributes. Consciously try giving others compliments or acknowledging their strengths at work, in friendships, or family circles. This practice smoothes your interpersonal relationships and attracts more positivity into your life.
Bonus Tip: Positive reframing of one’s negative thoughts about others. Try to understand him/her instead of dwelling on what he/she did wrong, and bring into light something good about him/her.
5. Give Without Expectation
The most rewarding ways to send out positive energy are acts of generosity. When you give out to others freely, whether through your time, resources, or emotional support, involuntarily, an energy flow of abundance is created which returns quite naturally to you. However, one should give without having any expectation for its reciprocation in return.
Why Generosity is Important:
Giving without strings attached allows abundance and fulfillment to flow free. This also creates a balance in the giving-receiving cycle. When you give from a flowing heart, the universe has its own way of surprising you in return.
Action Step:
Learn to give without expectation of anything in return. It could be through volunteering, helping your friend with a project, or even just being a good listener. By giving selflessly to others, it is not just their lives that you will enrich but also open one avenue to goodness and abundance that may come back to you.
Bonus Tip: Keep a journal of times when giving has no expectation, then reflect on how that feels with you. Observe as the energy of giving returns back to you in forms most unexpected.
6. Sow Seeds of Patience
Patience is one of the less valued virtues in this fast-moving world. Patience, however, plays a major role in nurturing positivity either in relationships or self-building. You plant the seed of patience, and that’s when space opens up for positive things to happen. Pace will happen, not in your way, but in its own time.
Why Patience is Important:
Patience is the character that sees you through life’s humps with grace and power. It helps you stay focused on the big picture when the going gets slow. In being patient, you send out an energy of trust and calm, therefore attracting positive outcomes in due time.
Action Step:
Practice patience for long-term goals and with people. Assure yourself that even though things do not pay off overnight, eventually they will. Whether it’s waiting for a promotion at work, in cultivating a relationship, or in personal development, at least you know things take time, and to be patient.
Bonus Tip: Each time you feel impatient, breathe in deeply and keep telling yourself, “Good things take time to come.” Enjoy the baby steps you’re taking toward reaching your goal, and rejoice in each milestone with glee.
7. Keep Positive Influences
The energy of the people around you affects your own energy. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and have a positive impact on you. This helps amplify your positivity and also keeps you motivated and focused to stay on track. On the other hand, negative influences will drain your energy and hold you back.
Why Your Social Circle Matters:
The mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors of the people you surround yourself with actually shape your perspective. Positive influences will encourage growth, offer support, and reflect back to you the positive energy that you give them. Negative influences will drag you down into the vortex of negativity and self-doubt.
Action Step:
Take proper stock of your social circle: is it filled with positive, supportive, and inspiring people-or not really? If the latter just so happens to be the case, try to put some limits on the ones that bring in the negativity. Surround yourself with those kinds of people who push you to be the best version of yourself, working their way to inspire you.
Bonus Tip: Expand your network of positive influences around you by joining a community group or attending functions so you can come into contact with people who are like-minded and have values and goals similar to yours.
8. Practice Forgiveness
Holding grudges and resentment only prolongs negative energy. Forgiveness is what actually sets you free from the burdens of hurts in your past so that you might continue moving forward in peace and in positivity with your life. When you forgive others-and yourself-you give yourself room to heal and grow.
Why Forgiveness is Important:
Forgiveness is never about condoning an action that hurt; it’s about releasing the negative energy connected with that hurt. That means letting go of bitterness and allowing room in your life for good things to come along. Meanwhile, in releasing, you are moving forward without the hurt from the past holding you back from moving on.
Action Step
That could weigh you down with bitter resentment. Forgiveness does not condone somebody’s aberrant behavior but may unshackle you from the hurtful burden of it all in your emotional psyche. It is one of the most freeing acts you could invite into your life to make sure more peace and positivity exists within.
Bonus Tip:
Create a personal mantra of forgiveness for yourself, such as, “I release the past and the peace of forgiveness envelops me.” Repeat it when those old hurts or resentments arise. Over time, this might just rewiring the brain to release the negativity, leaving you with more positivity.
Conclusion: Life Reflects What You Send Out
It’s as if life is a mirror: whatever energy you are putting out, whether it be action or intent, will come back to you. You can be sure that with every practice of benevolence, positive speech, gratitude, seeking the best in others, and patience, the positive waves sent your way will be many times multiplied. Take it to the next level by spending time with only positive influences, adding to that by forgiving all.
It’s all about what you give to the world, from those small acts of encouragement to a friend in need to even forgiveness to those who have wronged you. Whatever the energy that is put out invariably finds its way back in one’s direction and often magnified. Be purposeful in the vibrations that you send out, then watch as the universe mirrors those positive qualities right back at you.
So you see, as it says, whatever you put out into the world is what comes back. You get what you give, and you reap what you sow. The application of this will make your life full of positiveness, completeness, and abundance.